Data Digitization

When scanning and OCR is not enough for your needs, StrateGain is able to digitize your scanned historical plots. Finally, you can convert your old, locked away data into useable, valuable, digitized data ready for analysis and automation.

The process typically entails the following steps:

  1. Scoping - Meet to discuss data digitization needs and scope. Payment is processed. We request all PII be removed before transfer.

  2. Transfer scan files - We accept most common image formats and PDF files, either through email or SFTP.

  3. Data Digitized - Images are digitized into csv files. Output goes through a quality assurance process.

  4. Data Delivery - CSV files are returned either through email or SFTP. Large file counts can be provided in a compressed zip file.

Feel free to reach out today with your data digitization needs at lucas (at) or use the contact form below.

contact form

Please use this form to reach out to us. We would love to hear from you! We love to tackle the most difficult challenges.